Sunday, 28 October 2018

Remembrance and Reflection

To mark the 100th anniversary of the Armistice, there will be an exhibition in St. Mark's Church. John Chandler has researched  the lives of people who served in the First Word War and who have an association with this parish or one of its parishioners. The results will be displayed in church on Thursday to Saturday, November 8th to the 10th, from 11am until 4pm each day.

On Thursday the 8th there will be a Communion Service at 10am followed by a Coffee Morning at 10.30 in the Vestry. Proceeds for the British Legion.

On Saturday the 10th at 7.30pm there will be a concert in church with words and music to mark the Armistice and Peace, with K Shoes Choir and guest soloists. This will cost £7.50, proceeds for St. Mark's Church. 

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Craft Fair on Saturday

Do come to the Craft Fair and Exhibition on Saturday. It's a chance to get ahead with the Christmas shopping by buying orginal, attractive and reasonably priced gifts from local craftspeople, and to meet up with friends old and new. Refreshments are available all day in the small hall, and there's always a chance of a raffle prize at the end. It's on the 3rd November, 10am until 4pm. Proceeds for the Village Hall.

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Quiz Night organised by the Table Tennis Club

When? Sat 17th Nov
Where? Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall
Time? 7pm Start
Teams of around 4.
Tickets, £7.50, you can buy at Natland Post Office or Call Carol on 07852913181  
Light supper provided, please bring your own drinks.

Great Raffle on the night including a 1 night stay in a glamping pod at Howgills Hideaway, also a £15 voucher for Tilly's Desserts, Sunday lunch for two at The Union Pub. etc...

Friday, 19 October 2018

Report of W.I. Meeting in October

 Andrew Lowe gave an illustrated talk entitled ‘Inside a Lakeland Farmhouse’ which offered a look at the language of buildings of the 1600’s and an understanding of how they were designed to give shelter, warmth, cooking and storage facilities at the last meeting of the Women's Institute. Click here for the full report.

Friday, 12 October 2018

Hawes Lane to be closed

A new sign has appeared on the A591 to say that Hawes Lane will be closed from 22nd October for ten weeks. Even residents aren't sure why!

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Monday Club Meeting

Natland Monday Club will meet in the Village Hall on 15th October at 2.00pm when the speaker will be Andrew Aindow and his subject will be "Antiques Roadshow". Refreshments and Bookstall follows and new members are welcome to join us.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Yoga with a Chair

A new weekly Yoga class starts on Friday, 5th October, from 10am to 11.15am in the Village Hall.

These sessions are suitable for all ages and bodies and beginners are welcome.  Learn simple movements to strengthen and stretch body and mind.

Cost £5 per class. Just turn up, there is no commitment.

More information phone: 01539 568161 or email:

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Craft Fair and Exhibition coming up

Some of the craft items exhibited last year.
The Craft Fair and Exhibition is on the 3rd November in the Village Hall from 10am until 4pm. There will be an exhibition of crafts made locally, as usual, in the small hall. If you have anything that you have made that you would be willing to exhibit, please would you download and fill in this form, and return it to me. If you would like to know more before you commit yourself, then perhaps you would email me for more information. Thanking you in anticipation, Elspeth Jayne.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

The Weather in Natland in September

Temperature at 8 a.m.
11.0° C
11.6° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
8.9° C
10.2° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
14.6° C
16.2° C
153.5 mm
223 mm

September was cooler than last year but not as wet. It was still above the average rainfall of 115mm. John Dobson.