Monday, 29 June 2020

Photo Treasure Hunt Results

Well done to all who took part and submitted entries and also to those who walked all or part of the course but who decided not to trouble the judges.

Photograph 45 proved tricky as the council decided to repair the road after the competition was launched. Photo 42 also proved a little tricky because the tulips decided to shed their petals before the deadline for entries. Finally photo 22 involved a sign that had become largely covered by foliage by the end of the competition. But, it was only ever intended to be a bit of fun!!

In the “able to get out” section there were four teams who managed the full course and the scoring was extremely competitive. After a photo finish the judges awarded the bottle of fizz to Team Heap led by Nigel and the prize will be delivered soon.

The only entry from someone who had not visited the route since lock down was from Hilary Atkinson. Exhibiting a “passing acquaintanceship” with the village was sufficient to win her the other bottle.

Well done to the winners and to those who came so close.

The winning answers will be posted on here in the next few days.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Service for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity

Here is the service for Trinity 3 and here is the order of service. 
This is a link to the poem by Norman Nicholson, which relates to the service.

Monday, 22 June 2020

The Natland and Friends Virtual Village Show

Since there is no Westmorland County Show this year, the Fun committee of St. Mark's Church has put together a schedule of exhibits for a photographic show. Please send your photos here as jpegs, and they will be assembled for judging. Here is the schedule.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Natland Monday Club

The meetings planned from September to December are cancelled because of the covid-19 epidemic. It is hoped to start again on 18 January 2021 with the deferred AGM for 2019-2020, and then continue with regular meetings from February onwards. There may be changes of plan, depending on regulations and official advice.

John Inglesfield
Secretary, Natland Monday Club

Monday, 15 June 2020

Open Gardens Pictures

Tiger lilies in David Walker's garden

Poppies at the Jaynes
A rhododendron at the Chandlers.

New outfit for Bob on Longmeadow Lane

Bob is getting a bit stir crazy. Today he is dressed as Rapunzel and is hoping to be let out of his/her tower soon.

The Church is Open for Private Prayer

The church is open every afternoon this week from 2 until 4 for you to come in and pray. There’ll be somebody there to make sure it all goes smoothly because it will be a bit different from usual with only a few pews open and hand cleaning  arrangements in place.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

And the winners of the Treasure Map Hunt are...

Jenny Kelly: adult prize, Sarah Whittaker: young person’s prize.

Open Garden Pictures

More small delights in Sarah's garden - a colourful rainbow of rock roses.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Virtual Fete update - Snail race

Virtual Fete update - Snail race

The snail race has been 'run' this afternoon and you can watch the riveting drama unfold here. Thank you to all who provided snails and especially to Elspeth for collecting them, carrying out rigorous pre-race exercises and organising the event. Enjoy!

200 Club - June Prizewinner

The winning numbers in the June draw of the village hall's 200 Club are: 1st - 48,  2nd - 54, 3rd - 64.

You need to 'be in it to win it', and with 3 prizes each month and only around 100 numbers currently allocated the odds are better than in many lotteries!  A satisfied punter writes "It's more fun than premium bonds - you're more likely to win." See HERE for details on how to subscribe.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Virtual Fete set to go.

So fine weather for the virtual village fete tomorrow afternoon but a good job we are not setting up stalls in the morning or clearing them away at 4.00 pm.
Should be good weather though for snail racing or getting out for a walk to find the answers on the treasure trail. If you do get caught out by the weather there's another sort of treasure hunt you can do inside, or you can see what you can remember of the treasure trail pictures. And while Angela is tramping through wet grass we can all try and guess where she decides to turn round and come home.

The Virtual Fete: The Treasure Trail

Here is the complete set of photos for the 
Completed forms to  
Good seeking or remembering......., and stay safe! 

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Virtual Fete; Another Sort of Treasure Hunt

Just select a square where you think the treasure is buried in the town. Everyone can have a go, and we have a separate identical map for children aged 18 and under.
When you have made your decision (e.g. A9) email your choice to with your name, your age if aged 18 and under, households only need to send one email with everyone’s selection. It is first come first served so please can you also select a reserve square, if both of your choices have already been taken we will let you know so you can have another go.
The competition will run from 6th June until 9pm on 13th June.
There are prizes for both the adult and the children’s maps which will be delivered to your doorstep

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Virtual Fete. Where's Angela (and Bailey)?!

The Vicar writes: This time last year I was walking the Camino Way (only the last part) and I understand there was a competition to guess where I was 'on the map' en route to Santiago de Compostela during the afternoon of the fete. Similarly this year, whatever the weather, between 2pm and 4pm I will be out on a walk with our dog Bailey.           
But where? 
  • We won't use the car. 
  • We'll be walking not running. (ha-ha)!) 
  • We will leave The Vicarage at 2pm (and will be home by 4pm) but where will we be at 3pm? 

Send me an email (or send Andrew a text) anytime between 2pm and 9pm on Saturday 13th June with your guess of our 3pm location. You can use map co-ordinates if you like or simply give a description e.g. Crosscrake Church or halfway along Helmside Road. There's a prize for the closest guess! Andrew 07766 555 816.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Natland Parish Council Meeting - Agenda

The Parish Council is meeting in the yard at the back of the Village Hall on Monday the 15th June at 7pm, to approve the Annual Return for 2019-20 before a deadline on the 31st August.
Click here for the Agenda.

Virtual Fete: Snail Race.

The snails at 12 Longmeadow Lane are limbering up ready for the big race to be relayed on the 13th June at 2pm. Do bring any likely candidates along, and be prepared to mark him/her up with your team colours, either before you come or on arrival. Entrance is free, and the winning snail will win a highly attractive prize.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Photo Treasure Trail. Update

A tribute to the combined efforts of various
 utility companies.
Oh no. It was here yesterday!
No 45 on the Treasure Trail has been repaired! It is now an archeological artefact entombed in tarmac.

Trinity Sunday service with Spiritual Communion

Hi all, you can watch the service here. My apologies that the camera is on it's edge until 16mins in when it's turned around. If you want to follow along the order of service is here.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Open Garden Picture

This is a peony from Di Outhwaite's garden. It only blooms for a short while but is lovely while it lasts.

Monday, 1 June 2020

The Virtual Fete: Preview

Free Bunting Border Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip ...
Free Bunting Border Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip ...

Saturday 13th June should be church fete day. This year it will undoubtedly be wall to wall sunshine all day but we will not be gathering in the vicarage garden. Instead, there will be various activities which will be appearing on this blog and on Facebook at various intervals. 

This is just a  taster for the not one but 

One will be for Natland and one for Oxenholme. Whether you are in Natland or Oxenholme, whether you are taking your exercise on foot, by bicycle or on your horse or even if you are shielding at home you will be able to take part and their will be bottles of fizz as prizes!
The rules of the competitions are on this link. Entry is free; one entry per household. 
Keep looking here or on Facebook where you will be able to see some of the photos. The whole set will be available on Friday 5th June. 

Snail Race. 
Now our garden snails have woken up from their prolonged hibernation/dessication, it is hoped that there will be some candidates around for a snail race. Accommodation has already been organised. It's at no. 12 Longmeadow Lane, half way down the drive. Should you find an active snail which you would like to enter, then please bring him/her along. The course is not gruelling - they start in the centre and head (probably) for the edge of something circular. If you don't think you'll recognise your snail, please add a distinguishing feature to the shell and email me with a description or photo. There is a prize for the winning snail.  

The Weather in May

May average
Temperature at 8 a.m.
11.1° C
10.3° C
Minimum Temperature (Ave)
7.5° C
8.0° C
Maximum Temperature (Ave)
17° C
15.5° C
29 mm
80 mm

After the wettest February, I said March to May was normally the driest quarter of the year and so it proved! When it has been like this before, June has been dry as well followed by a very wet July.
Maximum temperatures have been high getting well into the 20s by the month end.                              John Dobson.

Open Gardens Pictures

Only a few inches high but its fragrance draws attention to the daphne cneorum in Sarah's garden.
A cistus in full flower in John and Elizabeth Chandler's garden.

Usual Service has been resumed.

As from 1st June the 41/41A bus service is restored on Mon-Sat and the service 40 reverts to Sundays only. Full amended timetables can be found on the county council website.