Sunday, 30 September 2012

Crosscrake Flower Festival

St Thomas Church, Crosscrake are holding a 
Harvest Festival of Flowers.
Displays will be open Friday 5th October 10-4.30, 
Saturday 6th October 10-4.30 and Sunday 7th October 12-4.30. Admission £3 (in aid of Church funds and Macmillan Nurses).Refreshments available.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

13th Annual Craft Fair and Exhibition

This year’s Craft Fair and Exhibition will take place on Saturday 3rd November, in Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall from 10am to 4pm. The event raises funds for the Village Hall. A popular and important part of the day is the Exhibition of Craft in the small hall. This is a display of items made by local residents and loaned for the event. We would welcome more exhibits. Please contact Elspeth Jayne if you would like to take part.

In the large hall there will be 23 stalls each selling different crafts made locally. Refreshments will be available all day and there will be a raffle.                     Thank you,                                     

Report of W.I. September Meeting

At the September meeting of Natland and Oxenholme  W.I., President Marion Thornton congratulated members on their successful entries of Crafts and Produce at the Westmorland Show. The institute was awarded the Marjorie Parsons trophy for most points in preserves and the Clarke trophy for the co-operative display, Olympic Delights.

Lynne Pritchard had recently enjoyed a Herb cookery course at Denman College, and thanked the Institute for giving her the opportunity to attend.

Guest speakers for the evening were fellow member Pat Tetlow accompanied by her husband Martin, who spoke of their travels and adventures around both of the islands of New Zealand. They were visually aided  by their stunning photographs of the country especially before and after pictures of the earthquake in Christchurch, showing how the residents (including their family living there) coped with the aftermath.

The competition for a Holiday Momento was won by Joan Ratcliffe.

      Next meeting is on 17th October.  Remembrance, the subject of an illustrated talk by Pat and David Shackleton.                                                                             Margaret Lancaster

Young Natland Magicians

Here is a photo from the Kendal Star Search held last Saturday at K Village.
Daniel and Oliver had a fantastic performance and are through to the final on 27th October at Low Wood Hotel. They have some magic tricks and some parrots to help, a very fun act. 
Carole Stearne.

Good luck to Daniel and Oliver from Natland News.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Women's Institute Coffee Morning

Natland and Oxenholme W.I.

Saturday 29th September
Natland Village Hall 10.00 - 12.00

Raffle,Cake Stall and Age UK games.

Coffee and Biscuits.   £1 entrance.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Indoor Bowls

There are a few vacancies for the Indoor Bowls (short mat) Club which starts on the 1st October from 2pm to 5pm, in the Village Hall. Contact Bill Cason on 015395 60790 if you would like to join, or you are welcome to come along and try it out.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Our Vicar to become Rural Dean

The Bishop of Carlisle made an announcement last weekend that the Rev'd Angela Whittaker is to become Rural Dean of the Kendal Deanery. This is in addition to her existing duties in Natland, Oxenholme and Old and New Hutton. It means that she will arrange for the care of parishes who are between vicars, chair Deanery meetings, care for the clergy in the Deanery and keep the Archdeacon and Bishop informed of deanery matters. Congratulations, Angela.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Natland and Oxenholme Women's Institute Results


A very BIG THANKYOU to everyone who helped in any way to make our Jumble Sale on Saturday, (15th September) a success, and for donations of goods and helpers on the day. We couldn't have done it without your support. We raised £400.


CONGRATULATIONS to all members of  our Institute  who entered Exhibits of their skills in Craftwork and Produce at the Westmorland County Show this year.

   Natland & Oxenholme W.I. were awarded the 
Marjorie Parsons Trophy
(for the most points gained in the Preserves Classes)
 The Clarke Trophy
( for the co-operative display class B4, titled)

This photograph of class B shows their interpretation of the London 2012 Olympics.
In gold medal position the 'delights' of Great Britain are represented by a Pork pie with redcurrant and apple sauce, in silver medal position the delight from France, Vichyssoise soup, with American cheesecake with blueberries winning a bronze award.
Margaret Lancaster   W.I. (secretary).

Church Coffee Morning

Church Coffee Morning
on Thursday 20th September
at 10.30 am in the Church Vestry.
Home Produce. Garden Stall.
Coffee and cake, £1.
Proceeds for church funds.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Bulk Purchase of Electricity and Gas for Domestic Consumers

Just wondering where we are with this?
Richard Hewlett

Editors Response - Please see posting in early August - Power-Up-Your-Community


      A meeting of Natland Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 26th September 2012 at 7.30pm at Natland Village Hall.

      Please follow link to AGENDA

KADBUS Coffee Morning

Kendal & District Bus Users Group 

Coffee Morning.

Kendal Town Hall

Friday 21st September

09.30am - 12.00 

Anne Parnham

Superfast Broadband Contract Finally Signed!

After months of uncertainty a deal was finally struck for the provision of superfast broadband throughout the county. Some final details have to be confirmed but what follows is extracted from the County Council press release from Thursday 13 September:

"Today, as part of the Connecting Cumbria Strategy, Cumbria County Council¹s Cabinet have awarded a major contact to BT Global Services. The contract will provide essential infrastructure that will help support the delivery of Connecting Cumbria which ultimately seeks to provide superfast broadband to residents and businesses in Cumbria.

"The Connecting Cumbria project is now on track to deliver over £70 million of external investment into Cumbria. £23m has already been secured as a result of successful grants including £17.1m from the government agency Broadband Delivery UK and the project is still awaiting confirmation on a further bid of £15.4m from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). On top of this a further £30m of new and additional investment into the county by BT has been secured as a direct result of the Connecting Cumbria initiative. This will ensure over 93% of the county has access to superfast broadband by the end of 2015."

Lois Sparling - Broadband Champion


Joanne Dodgson, only daughter of John & Christine Dodgson, Cracalt Farm, Natland married Steven Sharpe, only son of Geoff & Anita Sharpe of Ormsgill Farm, Barrow-in-Furness on Saturday 7th July at St Mark’s Church, Natland.  The wedding was followed by a reception at The Swan Hotel.  Family and friends from the village and surrounding areas joined the couple for their special day.
Father of the bride, John Dodgson and bride Joanne Dodgson on their way into Natland Church
Steven and Joanne leaving St Mark’s Church
The wedding party on the village green, Natland
The wedding guests on the bridge at The Swan Hotel

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

New Local Pharmacy

Co-operative pharmacy is to open a 100 hour pharmacy in the Annexe building at Helme Chase Surgery (James Cochrane Practice).   Open to any member of the public for dispensing of NHS prescriptions and purchase of 'over the counter' medicines. The dispensary counter for dispensing patients at the practice  will be relocated and accessed via the Co-op, but only during practice hours.

The provisional completion date for these changes and the opening of the Co-operative is 17th September.This new facility will be open at least 100 hours each week, and extend access to pharmacy services in evenings and at weekends for local residents.  

ASDA pharmacy is also open each week (8am-9pm Mon-Sat and 10-4 on Sun).

Sarah Roberts

Conservation day on Helm

On Thursday 13 Sept Friends of the Lake District have organised a Conservation Day involving dry stone walling (steel-capped boots required) and tree care, on the Helm. Meet at FLD headquarters at Murley Moss at 9.30am to join the group.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Yoga starting new term in Village Hall

Yoga lessons are starting on Thursday the 20th September at 5.45 and 7.30. Contact Rosie Dent at Sedbergh CDC 015396 21031 for more details.

Monday Club

The new season of the Monday Club will start on the 17 September, 14:00 – 16:00 in Natland Village Hall.
Jan Wiltshire will be the speaker and her subject is "Upper Kentdale". Membership subs (£10 per person) are due at the meeting and new members are welcome.

Parish Plan Update

On a horrid Monday night, a brave little group assembled at the Village Hall to find out more about the Parish Plan and express an interest in helping develop a new one over the next year or so. People came from all over the village and several were quite new to Natland and keen to get involved.

As a result we have the core of a steering group - 5 volunteers at the moment - but we are keen to find 1 or 2 more before we get together and work out what we want to do and how we want to do it - perhaps with the help of a facilitator from Action with Communities in Cumbria (or ACT), who are the experts in community-led planning.

If you'd like to help us or at least come along to the first meeting and see what you think, please email me at and I'll add you to our initial list. No expertise required!

Thank you

Cllr Lois Sparling

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Parish Plan Reminder

Reminder - If you'd like to help write a new plan for Natland Parish, or just find out more about the process there is a meeting at the Village Hall on Monday night 7.30 10th September.

To view the last plan follow link to Parish Plan

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Natland  and Oxenholme W.I.


   2pm Saturday 15th  September

The Women's Institute are holding a Jumble sale in the Village Hall, Natland on Saturday 15th  September, and we would be grateful for any donations of goods.   Please deliver them to the Village Hall between 9am.- 12pm on the day,  or contact Marion Thornton, tel:  015395 61253  who will arrange collection.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


The term has just started for Pre-School sessions in the Village Hall. 

There are Parent and Toddler sessions on a Monday morning from 9.30 - 11.30. These are £2.50 per session.

Playgroup starts from 2 years old on Tuesday to Friday from 9.15 - 11.30am with a full day on Thursday from 9.15 - 3.00pm. The cost is £7 per session or £17.50 for a full day.

There are Nursery session every weekday morning from 9.00 - 12.00 with a full day on Thursday 9.00-3.00.

All staff are fully qualified to level 3 and above, and there are places available.

For more information call Julie on 07765 929811 or email her.

Village Hall

The Village Hall is now spruced up with newly painted walls, varnished floors and washed curtains in the small hall. The flat roof over the kitchen has been repaired, including repairs to rotten joists.

The 200 Club winners this month were First Prize: No.72: Mrs.C.Wilson; Second Prize: no. 46; Mr. B. Evans; Third Prize: no. 94: Mrs.O.Armstrong.

Natland and Oxenholme Table Tennis Club, New Season 2012 - 2013.

Our adult club sessions have started up again on a Tuesday at 7.30pm, in the Village Hall.  New members of all abilities are very welcome.

Junior coaching and fun sessions are starting up on a Monday night from 24th September from 6pm to 7pm in Natland Village Hall.  New junior members, boys and girls, are warmly invited to come along.  Coaching is by our two young qualified coaches, Roger Pimblett and Luke Biggins.  There are no age limits, but it tends to be best suited to ages from 8 or 9 to about 15.  The photos show some of our youngsters. 

Please contact one of the people below if you want to learn more. 
Mick Taylor, Secretary, Compton House, Natland, 015395 60904
Bernard Pickthall, Chairman, Bradley Farm, Hincaster, 015395 60280

Church Happenings

Now Angela our vicar is back from holiday and a new series of events is starting up for the Autumn.

A musical called 'Greater than Gold' is planned in conjunction with St Mark's School,  to be performed in early November. Contact Greater than Gold if you would like to join in.

PUSH Youth Group starts back again on Sunday 9th September with 'Putting and Chips'. Meet at Kendal Putting Green at 6.30.

A Confirmation Group for young people begins on Sunday 16th September at 5pm at Natland Vicarage.

On the 20th September at 10.30 there will be a Coffee Morning in the Church Vestry.

There will be an Alpha course for people who want to explore the basics of Christian faith at Kendal Parish Church. It will be on a Tuesday night from 7pm-9pm and starts on the 25th September.

The Harvest Festival will be celebrated on Sunday 7th October at 10am with a Harvest Auction and Supper in St. Mark's CE School on Monday 8th October at 7pm.

Click on church webpage or look in the September Parish Magazine (60p from the back of the church) if you would like further details.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Natland Parish Plan

You may or may not know that Natland has a Parish Plan. The latest one was put together back in 2004 after a lot of consultation with local people about what they wanted for Natland then (and you can download a copy from the Parish Council section of this blog, under the heading Parish Plan). Plans can include all sorts of issues from allotments to potholes, from planning to play areas.

It's high time the plan was updated. Since 2004 new people have moved into the village and the Localism Bill has become law - theoretically giving local people more influence over what happens in their communities. It's really important that we take this opportunity to talk about what we all want for Natland and how we'd like to help it happen. And if we put it all into an up-to-date Plan then parish, district and county councils now have an obligation to take our decisions into account.

If you'd like to help us write a new plan for Natland, or just find out more about the process, please come along next Monday night to the Village Hall.
There's no need to volunteer for anything. We just want to know who's interested. (If you would like to come to future meetings but can't make this one, just email me at

Cllr Lois Sparling

Monday, 3 September 2012

Ballet and Pilates Classes in the Village Hall

On Mondays starting on the 10th September there will be:

4-4:30 Pre school ballet 3-4 yrs
4:30- 5:15 Pre primary RAD 5 yrs
5:15-6:15 Pilates for Adults

For bookings or more details please call or email:
Tel: 077 691 57 303 Find us on Facebook.

Classes are taught by Irina Payne, a professional ballet dancer, trained and danced with the Choreography High School and the National Ballet at the Romanian National Opera in Bucharest, Romania.
Irina is an associate of the Royal Academy of Dance, has completed the Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma and holds the Registered Teacher Status and has taught in Egypt, Dubai and England.
Irina has an NVQ3 in Early Years and has completed Pilates Mat 1 and Mat 2 Teaching modules with Balanced Body University.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Who Weeps For Strangers?

If the endless rain is getting you down, Natland author Jeremy Rowan Robinson’s latest Kindle e-book may help to give you a lift.

“Who Weeps for Strangers” is a sequel to “The Long Day Done”.  It explores the uneasy balance between encouraging the spirit of adventure while avoiding unacceptable risk and between encouraging economic development while safeguarding the special qualities of the National Park.
Set against the spectacular scenery of the Lake District, the novel portrays the exhilaration of fell walking, the challenge of rock climbing, the difficulties of mountain rescue, the cut and thrust of a planning inquiry, a budding romance, the memory of an ancient tragedy, the intimidating atmosphere of a court room and the genius of Wordsworth.  
"Who Weeps for Strangers" can be accessed via Amazon (price £3.96) where you can sample the opening chapters for free on your computer but you will need a Kindle to download the full story.

August Weather Statistics

                                                                     2012                          2011

Temperature at 8am                                     14.0c                         13.4c
Minimum temperature                                  11.9c                          11.5c
Maximum temperature                                 19.3c                          18.0c

                                                                    mm.        in.                    mm.       in
Rainfall                                                        166.5      6.7                   183        7.3

Despite the national weather statistics, August here has not been exceptionally wet. We have had three wetter Augusts in the last nine years. It has been slightly warmer than usual, apart from a sudden drop in temperature right at the end of the month.               John Dobson.

Badminton Season starting.

Natland Badminton Club is a small, friendly club seeking new adult members. We would like to invite you to some free 'come and try' sessions which are being held on Thursday 6th September and Thursday 13th September in the new Village Hall, Natland at 8.15pm.

Why not come along and give it a try? You will be made very welcome.