If the endless rain is getting you down, Natland author Jeremy Rowan Robinson’s latest Kindle e-book may help to give you a lift.
“Who Weeps for Strangers” is a sequel to “The Long Day Done”. It explores the uneasy balance between encouraging the spirit of adventure while avoiding unacceptable risk and between encouraging economic development while safeguarding the special qualities of the National Park.
Set against the spectacular scenery of the Lake District, the novel portrays the exhilaration of fell walking, the challenge of rock climbing, the difficulties of mountain rescue, the cut and thrust of a planning inquiry, a budding romance, the memory of an ancient tragedy, the intimidating atmosphere of a court room and the genius of Wordsworth.
"Who Weeps for Strangers" can be accessed via Amazon (price £3.96) where you can sample the opening chapters for free on your computer but you will need a Kindle to download the full story.