Friday, 24 May 2013


1)  B AN O                                                       OBAN CATHEDRAL
2)  B MORE WIN                                            WIMBORNE MINSTER
3)  B REDY                                                    DERBY CATHEDRAL
4)  BAN SALTS                                               ST ALBANS CATHEDRAL
5)  BED NOT ROW                                          BRENTWOOD CATHEDRAL
6)  BO RANG                                                 BANGOR CATHEDRAL
7)  CAN DO REST                                           DONCASTER MINSTER
8)  CELT GROUSE                                          GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL
9)  CRE BON                                                  BRECON CATHEDRAL
10)  CREST LOAN                                          LANERCOST PRIORY
11)  CRIS THE CHE                                        CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL
12)  CRUTCH H RICHS                                   CHRISTCHURCH PRIORY
13)  CRY RUT BANE                                       CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL
14)  DENUED                                                DUNDEE CATHEDRAL
15)  DIG FOR DUL                                         GUILDFORD CATHEDRAL
16)  DUSTY MR SUNBED                                ST EDMUNDSBURY CATHEDRAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
17)  END WHO                                              HOWDEN MINSTER
18)  FALL AND F                                            LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL
19)  FIED CHILL                                            LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL
20)  FIN CLOT                                               CLIFTON CATHEDRAL
21)  FOR X DO                                               OXFORD CATHEDRAL
22)  FORMED SLCH                                        CHELMSFORD CATHEDRAL
23)  H FEEDS FIL                                           SHEFFIELD CATHEDRAL
24)  H TREP                                                  PERTH CATHEDRAL
25)  HAWKS ROUT                                         SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL
26)  HE CREST                                              CHESTER CATHEDRAL
27)  HE PALM FORT                                       AMPLEFORTH ABBEY
28)  HI BRING MAM                                       BIRMINGHAM CATHEDRAL
29)  HO HIM BURN EGG                                 HEMINGBROUGH MINSTER
30)  HUM RAD                                               DURHAM CATHEDRAL
31)  I C STEELER                                           LEICESTER CATHEDRAL
32)  I SPY ALE                                               PAISLEY CATHEDRAL
33)  IN POR                                                  RIPON CATHEDRAL
34)  IS L LACER                                             CARLISLE CATHEDRAL
35)  K OR Y                                                   YORK MINSTER
36)  KEN LUDD                                              DUNKELD CATHEDRAL
37)  L BYES                                                   SELBY ABBEY
38)  LAS BUY SIR                                          SALISBURY CATHEDRAL
39)  LAX HAIF                                               HALIFAX MINSTER
40)  LEN MLUCK                                            MUCKNELL ABBEY
41)  LEN WAS TEC                                         NEWCASTLE CATHEDRAL
42)  LEY                                                        ELY CATHEDRAL
43)  LOST RIB                                               BRISTOL CATHEDRAL
44)  LUCK BRAN B                                         BLACKBURN CATHEDRAL
45)  MAH X HE                                              HEXHAM ABBEY
46)  MERE CHANTS                                        MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL
47)  METRE LIONS                                         LEOMINSTER PRIORY
48)  NAN BLUED                                            DUNBLANE CATHEDRAL
49)  NEL TOMB                                              BELMONT ABBEY
50)  NILL CON                                               LINCOLN CATHEDRAL
51)  NOR PETS                                              PRESTON MINSTER
52)  NUNS LADDER                                        SUNDERLAND MINSTER
53)  PALS TUS                                               ST PAULS CATHEDRAL
54)  PASS HAT                                              ST ASPAH CATHEDRAL
55)  PRE GROUT HEBO                                   PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL
56)  R S UNPLACED                                       PLUSCARDEN ABBEY
57)  RAQUR                                                  QUARR ABBEY
58)  RD FAB ROD                                           BRADFORD CATHEDRAL
59)  RED OF HER                                           HEREFORD CATHEDRAL
60)  REE TEX                                                 EXETER CATHEDRAL
61)  REED BANE                                            ABERDEEN CATHEDRAL
62)  REST HER CO                                         ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL
63)  REV BOG OX                                           BOXGROVE PRIORY
64)  REV BY LEE                                            BEVERLEY MINSYER
65)  ROBS N HERE                                         SHERBORNE ABBEY
66)  ROTUR                                                   TRURO CATHEDRAL
67)  RUB WEEK STY                                        TEWKESBURY ABBEY
68)  S DID VAST                                            ST DAVIDS CATHEDRAL
69)  SAG GLOW                                             GLASGOW CATHEDRAL
70)  SALTER CAN                                           LANCASTER CATHEDRAL OR PRIORY
71)  SEDEL                                                    LEEDS MINSTER
72)  SET CROWER                                          WORCESTER CATHEDRAL
73)  SIN TERM                                               MINSTER ABBEY
74)  SINK PHARN                                           PRINKNASH ABBEY
75)  SMOOTH TURP                                       PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL
76)  SO WET HULL                                         SOUTHWELL CATHEDRAL
77)  SS NEVER IN                                          INVERNESS CATHEDRAL
78)  STUF BACK                                             BUCKFAST ABBEY
79)  SWELL                                                   WELLS CATHEDRAL
80)  TEL MARC                                              CARTMEL PRIORY
81)  THAB                                                     BATH ABBEY
82)  THE SIN CREW                                       WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL
83)  TOWS                                                    STOW MINSTER
84)  URH DIG BEN                                         EDINBURGH CATHEDRAL
85)  VENT ROCY                                            COVENTRY CATHEDRAL
86)  VILPER LOO                                           LIVERPOOL CATHEDRAL
87)  WIDE FLAKE                                           WAKEFIELD CATHEDRAL
88)  WREM SIN TEST                                     WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL/Abbey                                                                    E
89)  WROCHIN                                              NORWICH CATHEDRAL
90 YUR VET                                                TURVEY ABBEY

Steam Trains

On Monday 27 May 60009 Union of South Africa with be northbound and water at Appleby 11-59 to 12-29. Arrive Carlisle 13-13. Depart Carlisle 16-11 southbound. Penrith 16-38, Tebay 16-59 ,Oxenholme 17-10.

Pat Williams.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Christian Aid Collection and Coffee Morning Result

Here in Natland and Oxenholme we raised £2382.91 last week in the house-to-house collection (£1902.63) and at the Coffee Morning last Saturday (£481.28).

Solar power replaces kerosene lamps, Kenya.

Thank you very much to everyone who gave so generously. I have paid it into the bank already so that it can be used to help the poorest people feel that there is hope for a better life for themselves and their children.
Elspeth Jayne. Christian Aid Organiser, St. Mark's Church.

Police Newsletter

Please follow the link to view the latest Police Newsletter

Natland Parish Council Agenda

Here is the Agenda for the next meeting on the 28th May.

Religious Buildings Quiz Results

Only four entries had all the correct answers, the main mistake that people made was on question 16 they put down Bury St Edmunds when in fact the correct name for the Cathedral is St Edmundsbury, in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.

The following names were pulled out of the basket by Tim Farron at the end of  Desert Island Disc.

3rd                 Mr David Peters                      Natland

2nd                Mrs Pam Mansfield                  Natland

1st                 Mrs R A Brown                         Burton in Lonsdale

The only other entry that was correct was from Mr and Mrs J Hunter Natland.

These are the right answers.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

European funding for broadband gets the green light

The Connecting Cumbria superfast broadband project has at last received full Major Projects Approval from the European Commission - the last piece in the jigsaw for validating the contract with BT. Over the next 2½ years the Connecting Cumbria and BT project teams will work together to build the network necessary to allow all homes and businesses access to broadband speeds of not less than 2Mbps, with 93% properties having the opportunity to connect to superfast services. Initial preparation and survey work on the ground is already underway and draft plans for the rollout in each area are promised for the end of June.

Tim Farron's Desert Island Choices

Last Friday's audience discovered the musical tastes of our MP to be a bit of a surprise. He revealed a taste for rock music and chose songs from The Beatles, The Clash, Cocteau Twins, Prefab Sprout, Electronic, The Avalanches, The White Stripes and local group Wild Beasts, while the slightly bemused audience tapped their feet to unaccustomed rhythms.
He spoke about his early attempts to stand for parliament - the first time aged 22 - and his early political career as county and district councillor in his home county of Lancashire before winning his seat here in Westmorland. He related his political career to his Christian faith and entertained all with interesting anecdotes. The interviewer Martin Jayne presented him, a keen Blackburn Rivers fan, with a football signed by the members of the premiership champion team of 1994  as a momento of the occasion.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Newly restored Galatea northbound through Natland and Oxenholme

On Wednesday 22nd of May 45699 Galatea will be northbound through Oxenholme at 11-45. Tebay 12-01 Penrith 12-22. Carlisle 12-42. Departing Carlisle 14-28. Appleby for water 15-14 to 15-55. K Stephen 16-09. Garsdale 16-21..
I have a little more information. Anyone wanting other places on route please ask.    Pat Williams.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Experience Pentecost at St. Mark's Church

All this week there will displays in the church and children from St. Mark's School will be visiting to experience the Festival of Pentecost for themselves. Adults can come after school to see the various tableaux.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Tim Farron on Desert Island this Friday in Natland

Tim Farron has now made his choice of music to take to his desert island but details will not be revealed until this Friday 18th May at 7.30 when he will be interviewed by Martin Jayne at St Mark’s Church. Tim will also choose his luxury item and a book as per the usual format.
A good number of tickets have been sold in advance but admission will be available by paying £5.00 on the door. Refreshments will be available after the formal part of the evening in return for a donation. All proceeds will go to support the church.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting

Click here to see the Minutes of the Meeting of the 29th April.

Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting

Click here to see the Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting on the 16th May. All village organisations and groups are invited to submit a report, either verbally at the meeting or in writing to the Clerk.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Better news on broadband

After a Hub Coordinators meeting on Wednesday 8 May, our Hub Coordinator, Cath Davenport, has sent this optimistic note, although we are now definitely waiting until 21 June for detailed information about what BT plan to do next in the rural areas...

"Cumbria County Council are expecting the final decision on the Major Projects application to the EU within a week or so. It should be all systems go from then on.

One item that came from the partnership board was that once the 7% who will not be able to get superfast broadband are known commercial providers will be approached to see whether they have any plans that would improve the speeds in those areas.

At the HC meeting, we actually met the project leaders from BT. Jim Jackson of BT Openreach is in overall charge and gave an impressive presentation. He assured us that he is committed to making the project a success and that new technologies are coming on stream all the time. What might be insurmountable at the moment will be solved - one way or another. Radio may be a solution for areas a long way from cabinets/exchanges. He lives in South Westmorland and was frustrated by the slow speeds himself!  Julia Watts from BT Group was also there and she is making contact with the individual Hub Co-ordinators to find out the situation on the ground in each area.

BT and CCC are expecting to Launch the project on 21 June.  On that day the maps of each area will go public and we should know the places that are likely to be in the 7%, although Jim Jackson said that you could expect that to change and no-one really knows until the work starts."

Friday, 3 May 2013

Kendal South Election Results

Choose your Favourite Hymn for Songs of Praise on Village Green

A Songs of Praise
with Carnforth Salvation Army Band

On Sunday 23rd June at 4pm the Salvation Army Band from Carnforth will lead a ‘Songs of Praise’ on the Village Green. We are inviting you to have your say in the hymns that will be sung and played that afternoon by choosing your top five hymns from the list below.
Your ‘top five’ can be emailed to this address or written on a slip of paper and posted in the box at the back of church. Votes to be cast by end of Sunday 2nd June.
                 Thank you. Rev'd Angela Whittaker
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Praise my soul
O happy day
Love divine, all loves excelling
Be thou my vision
Lord of all hopefulness
Hills of the north rejoice
How great thou art
Let all the world in every corner sing
Mine eyes have seen the glory
O when the saints go marching in
                     He who would valiant be                     
(or Who would true valour see)
Colours of day
Shine Jesus shine
Tell out my soul
What a friend we have in Jesus
O for a thousand tongues to sing
Great is thy faithfulness
Guide me O thou great redeemer
The king of love my shepherd is

Monday Club Meeting

The next meeting of the Monday Club will  be on the 20th May at 2.00pm in the Village Hall when the speakers will be Wendy Balmer and Jean Scott-Smith whose subject will be Westmorland Dialect. Members are reminded that this will be the last meeting for 2012-13 and will be the occasion of the A.G.M. Any proposals or nominations for offices should be with the secretary 14 days before the date of the meeting.                     P.Singleton.

Young at Heart Event

Come along  to Young at Heart - a social group for older residents on Monday 13th May at Natland Village Hall from 1.45 - 3-45pm.

Make new friends and join in with a variety of activities from dominoes and curling to crafts, quizzes and scrabble. Cost £2.00 including refreshments.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Contact Ruth Taylor for more information. Tel. 01539 728180.

Natland's Weather in April



Temperature at 8am



Minimum Temperature (average)



Maximum Temperature (average)












Another cool and fairly dry month. As one would expect, temperatures rose towards the end of the month with a maximum reading of 17c on the 30 April.           John Dobson.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Scam Awareness Month

May 2013 is scam awareness month and Cumbria County Council Trading Standards Service has teamed up with Citizens Advice to highlight the problem of scams, advise people how to avoid being taken in and how they can fight back against the scammers.

The campaign which runs throughout May aims to raise awareness of scams and calls on consumers to drop scam mailings they have received into designated ‘Scamnesty’ bins.  The information collected will provide valuable new intelligence and help inform future investigations aimed at preventing others being scammed.

Scamnesty bins can be found at the following locations:

Booths, Dodge Croft Road, Kirkby Lonsdale CA6 2HG
Grange Library, Grange Fell Road, Grange over Sands LA11 6BQ
Windermere CAB, Windermere Library, Ellerthwaite Road, Windermere LA23 2AJ
Ambleside Age UK, Compston Road, Ambleside LA22 9DJ
Trading Standards Kendal, SLDC, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street Kendal LA9 4DQ

If you have been targeted by a scam, or know someone who has then call Action Fraud 0300 123 2040 Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and internet crime.

To report a problem to Trading Standards you can contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06. Trading Standards are responsible for protecting consumers and the community against rogue traders and traders acting unfairly. You can get online consumer advice and information at:

Wednesday, 1 May 2013