Friday, 28 June 2013

Shed Thefts

Protect all your property, including sheds and outbuildings

Police in South Cumbria are urging people to think about the security of their outbuildings and allotments after a recent spate of burglaries.

Crime Prevention Officers are reminding residents to be proactive in securing all aspects of their property and not to forget about those buildings which are outside and potentially vulnerable. 

Those areas which have been targeted include Kirkbarrow, Gillingate, Captain French Lane and other residential estates. Also the Castle Haggs allotments have been subjected to break-ins.

Terry Belshaw, Crime Prevention Officer for South Cumbria, said: “We have had a recent spate of shed burglaries in the South Cumbria area.

“It is important for our communities to know that we are working to tackle this issue and want people think about the security of all areas of their property.

“Investment in a good sturdy lock can be a deterrent for any opportunistic thief, who would be reluctant to try and break through the lock.

“Consider what you keep in your shed or garage, items such as bicycles, power tools and gardening equipment are all items that are ideal for thieves as they are easy to remove and sell on. Ensure that property is secured and try and mark appropriately using a Smartwater or Selectamark system.

“We also encourage anyone to report any suspicious behaviour, especially in allotment areas. People who are at their allotment will recognise those who are normally there. However, anyone who is acting suspicious could be scouting out the area for potential weak points. By reporting this and making the police aware can help to detect crime.

“Basic security of all areas of your property will be a strong and effective deterrent to would-be criminals.”

Tips for securing your property include the following:

  • Keep your property in a secure garage or shed out of view and keep the door locked. Use a good quality lock or padlock and consider using at least 2 different locking devices.
  • Secure items to an immovable object, or consider installing a ground or wall mounted anchor.
  • Place door hinges on the inside
  • Replace screw fastenings with bolts
  • Restrict visibility into the shed by curtains/blackout
·         Shed and garage alarms can also help to provide additional security and can be purchased from most local hardware / DIY stores.
·         Postcode all property and consider purchasing a coding/ marking kit such as Smartwater or Selectamark for more expensive items such as power tools.
  • Always put tools and equipment away - items left outside could be stolen or used to help a thief break in.
  • Disable lawn mowers and other large machinery when not in use and chain items together to a solid anchor point.
  • Record details of your property (make, model, serial number and identifying marks) and take photographs of items for easy identification.
  • Keep hedges and fences well maintained to stop unwanted visitors entering your garden.
  • Close your garden gate and lock it from the inside.
  • Consider/investigate CCTV either outside covering approach and activity, or inside for recognition.  There are battery operated disguised cameras available
  • If considering putting a shed in your garden, always be sure that the door faces the house windows.
  • If the shed is in the garden, consider security lighting to operate if someone is tampering with the shed.

Terry adds: “Remember, it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that their property is as secure as can be.  If it is easy for the thief to steal then they will take the opportunity!

“Make it difficult, make it hard, make it noisy, the more difficult it is for the thief, the less likely they are to continue and the more likely they will leave important evidence, which may well lead to an arrest and conviction.”

For further crime prevention advice and information contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team or the Community Safety Team on 101, or visit the Constabulary website at

Anyone who has any information about a theft should call Cumbria Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Passport Scam

Summer is now upon us, and many people will be thinking about jetting away on holiday.  If you require a passport then Cumbria Trading Standards Service is warning people of websites which may look like they are taking a fee for the full cost of a passport and checking service when, in fact, the fee paid is only to have your application examined.

As these copycat websites provide some basic information and look a lot like the genuine passport office website, many people are being conned.  Many people have mistakenly paid for this checking service, with some companies charging up to £45 per enquiry.  The passport fee will also be required so this scam makes applying for a passport very expensive.

It is not a requirement to have your passport application checked but, for peace of mind, then the Post Office does offer such a service at a much lower price and they will deliver your form securely to the Passport Office.  The forms you need for a new passport can be picked up at your local Post Office branch or online.  Advice can also be found in a branch, on the official website or by calling 0300 222 0000.  If you want someone to check over the form you can pay a fee of £8.75.  This means if there is anything missing it can be amended without having to send off an entirely new application

Visit for further information or visit your local Post Office to enquire.

For general consumer advice please contact Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 040506 or to report a scam, contact Action Fraud UK on 0300 1232040 or report a scam online at

Follow us on Twitter at

Message sent by
Margaret Hodgson (Cumbria County Council, Administrator, Cumbria)

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Natland Young at Heart Social Group

This month we are meeting at Natland Mill Beck Ice Cream Parlour and Tea Room on Monday 8th July at 2pm. Come along and enjoy tea and cakes. Please let me know by Thurs 4th July if you would like to join us.

There will be no meeting in August but the group will restart on Monday 9th September at 1.45pm 

Contact Ruth Taylor, your Village Agent on 07787 201259

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Women's Institute Report

The June meeting of Natland and Oxenholme W.I. welcomed Margaret Thomas accompanied by her friend and former student Samantha, who delighted members with a description of their musical trip around Britain singing folk songs from Yorkshire via Ireland and the Hebrides.
        Musical instruments were on display for the competition, which was won by Kirsten Cannon, second Dorothy Goddard.

        Kirsten Cannon chaired the business meeting, welcoming Liz Woods from Crosscrake W.I. who gave an excellent, informative report of the National A.G.M. Members were reminded of our summer outing in August, and also of theatre visits.

        At the next meeting on 17th July, guest speaker Anna-Marie Jesson will give ‘An Introduction to Diabetes.' 7.30pm. Village Hall, Natland.

       Visitors always welcome.                  Margaret Lancaster, secretary.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Helm Lane closing for re-surfacing.

This will happen on the 26th June, hopefully not for too long.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Save the Date: Parish Plan Drop-In on Thursday 5 September

Tuesday night’s Parish Plan Steering Group was a long a busy one, with discussions about further consultation within and outside the village and the next steps in drafting the action plan. Among other things we are now planning a Drop-In event at the very end of the summer holidays so that you can read about the actions that we are planning to include in the Parish Plan, suggest new ones and sign up to get involved in putting it all into practice. If you would like to come along, please put the date in your diary now: from 3pm to 7pm, Thursday 5 September, at St Mark’s Church. There will be displays about the plan and members of the Parish Plan Steering Group will be there throughout to explain our ideas and listen to yours. Look out for a leaflet through your door with more details nearer the time.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Superfast broadband rollout starts.. but not here yet!

We were promised an update from BT/CCC this month and this week a document called Final Exchange Roll-Out May 2013 has finally been published – but all it tells us in Natland is that our exchanges (Kendal and Sedgwick) are in ‘Tranche 3’ - for which they say ‘the desktop evaluation has been completed and the detailed survey and designed is planned but not yet started’. Given that the first Tranche (Carlisle, Penrith, Dalton, Ulverston, Workington and Maryport) is only expected to be implemented by the end of December, let’s not be holding our breath!

Songs of Praise

St Marks Church Coffee Morning

Natland Parish Council Meeting

A meeting of the Natland Parish Council will be held in Natland Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 24th June 2013.  Please follow link to  AGENDA

Steam Trains

Next train will be on Thursday 20th June northbound. Will be either 46115 Scots Guardsman or 45699 Galatea.

depart  Carnforth  11-26.
Oxenholme            11-45.

Tebay                   12-01.

Penrith                  12-22.

Arrive Carlisle       12-42.
Depart Carlisle      14-28.

Culgarth                15-04.

Appleby for  water.
Arrive                   15-14.
Depart                  15-55.

K Stephen            16-09. 

Pat Williams.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

200 Club Winners

The lucky 200 Club winners in the June draw are:
1st           87           A Tilney
2nd          63           A Bolton
3rd           78           M Burns

Midge Fairhurst. 
Village Hall 200 Club organiser.

Weather Statistics for May



Temperature at 8 am


Average minimum temp.


Average maximum temp.




Although cooler than average, we had some warm days with a maximum
on 31 May of 24c. Most of the rain fell in the middle of the month when
I was away so that was OK !   
John Dobson

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Steam Trains

On Saturday 15th June 5043 Earl of Mount Edgecumbe and 46233 Duchess of Sutherland will be northbound and southbound.

Depart Carnforth   11-24

Oxenholme            11-43

Tebay                    11-59

Penrith                  12-20

Carlisle                  12-40
Depart Carlisle      16-15

Penrith                  16-42

Tebay                   17-03

Oxenholme no time given, approx 17-15 ?

Pat Williams.

Unsolicited Telephone Calls Scam

Trading Standards have been made aware that some residents have recently received unsolicited telephone calls from an organisation that claims they can stop unwanted telephone calls or junk mail for a fee of £75.

This is a scam, the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and Mail Preference Service (MPS) are completely free to consumers.  If you do receive a call from someone claiming to be from the TPS or a similar sounding organisation, asking for personal information or charging you for this service, our advice is to not pay or give them any personal details.

We are also aware of a number of organisations that call from overseas, possibly India claiming to be TPS or affiliated with TPS or BT.  They ask for your credit card details to complete a registration to stop unwanted calls.  They often claim that you previously gave your permission for this call.  Never give out your credit card details over the telephone.

The names of some of these organisations, given to us by consumers are:

Alien Touch
SAIS Corp Ltd
Icon Global Services
IG Services
Biztek (or Bisdek) Telecomms
Consumer Advice Bureau

- our advice is NOT to pay them.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Natplan 2014 – Gathering volunteer contacts

Analysis on the Household Questionnaire results is continuing apace and we will start work on our draft actions at our next Steering Group meeting on Tuesday 18 June, with an expert from Action for Communities in Cumbria.

One thing we’ve noticed in checking the results is that some of the residents who volunteered to be on our action groups then forgot to leave us a phone number or email address. It’s a shame because we don’t want to delay and we’d love to be in touch with you about our next steps. We had over 30 volunteers for some groups so you won’t be on your own!

If you are (even slightly) interested in tackling the issues of: traffic and parking, village maintenance, better internet access or community energy, please do email us so that we are able to contact you. It doesn’t commit you to anything in particular at this stage – it just allows us to get some conversations going.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


From 24 June, the timetables for 551/552 bus services to Arnside are revised to accommodate route change via the hospital in Kendal.  Leaving Kendal the 551 services will divert from Romney Bridge roundabout to the hospital before travelling to Natland along Natland Road and continuing to Arnside.  In-bound services will divert on request for Helme Chase, Asda and WGH.   The 552 services for Milnthorpe and Arnside will be routed past the hospital, and then Endmoor and Crooklands Hotel instead of via Levens Bridge as currently.  For Natland residents this will provide additional services from the bus-stop on A65 to Endmoor, Milnthorpe and Arnside. 

Note that although the 552 timetable is not significantly changed the 10.04 departure from Park Close to Kendal  is re-timed to 10.03.  Between Natland and Kendal, all other departures involve either slightly later timings or no change.

Sarah Roberts

Follow link to view timetable NEW TIME TABLE

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

St Mark's Church Summer Fete

St Mark's Church Summer Fete 

Saturday 8th June 2pm
Vicarage Gardens

Afternoon Teas
Burneside Brass Band

Lots of Various Stalls

Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes

Please follow the link to view the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Natland Parish Council held on 28th May 2013 MINUTES