Thursday 10 April 2014

Update for Natland volunteers

Thanks to all those who turned out in inclement weather on Saturday for the annual Natland Spring Litter Hunt. The verges around the parish are now looking much tidier just as the new spring growth of grass gets underway.

The grass has also been growing elsewhere. You may have noticed that last week the contractors mowed the village green, and other areas, for the first time this season, and the team of volunteers who mow the churchyard are about to set to work. They would welcome additional recruits to help them in this task. Would you be willing and able to help? If so contact Collin Mansfield ( or 015395 60231) to find out more about what this might involve.

Or perhaps you would like to have more of a say in how the parish is run and maintained? Now is your chance to throw your hat into the ring for the Parish Council election on Thursday 22 May.

Nomination papers are available now (from Kevin Price, the Clerk of the Council) and the deadline for would-be councillors to submit their nomination papers to District Council is 4pm on Thursday 24 April.  We already know that 3 of our 7 councillors will be standing down so it’s not likely to be too bitter a battle. You can find out more about becoming a councillor on the SLDC website.

Some new faces could bring fresh ideas and direction to your Parish Council. It needs no previous experience and only a modest time commitment. Any of the current councillors would be happy to have an informal chat if you want to find out more.