Monday, 31 March 2014

Green Door Art Trail in Natland

Two Natland artists will be opening their home studios as part of the Green Door Art Trail on April 5th and 6th .

Mary Taylor , a textile artist,   and winner of Natlands recent art exhibition competition. Mary layers fabrics , applies heat and embroidery to create unique pictures and jewellery, drawing inspiration from the natural landscape.
Mary Taylor - Textile Artist

Lisa Harrison , a silversmith and glass artist, specialising in fused glass creating a wide range of art pieces from small jewellery , glass bowls , vases through to large glass wall art.  Lisa has many new pieces including a new collection of glass sculptures , suitable for the garden , which will be revealed on the art trail. I try to inject personality into my art pieces and love the dynamic colours created with glass.

Lisa Harrison - Silversmith and Glass Artist

Mary Taylor of Compton House, the Green, Natland will be opening up her home on :
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April from 10am-6pm on both days .

Lisa Harrison of 1,Abbey Gardens will be opening up her home on :
Saturday 5th April 10am - 5.30pm, Sunday 6th 11am - 5pm and evenings from 6pm to 8pm Monday 7th April and Tuesday 8th April

All are invited to view their latest collections and able to purchase direct from the artist themselves, art trail guides and refreshments are to be available at both locations and signage deposited around the village to help locate these studios.

Message from Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service

TICK, TOCK, TEST! Before it’s too late.
Test your smoke alarm this clock change weekend.

We are again encouraging people to test their smoke alarms when they change their clocks this coming clock change weekend. ‘TICK TOCK TEST’, will help remind us all of the need to test our smoke alarms at this time of year.

Smoke alarms save lives, but only if they work. With 211 people dying in fires in the home last year, and over 70% not being alerted to the fire by a smoke alarm, it is essential that people test their smoke alarms regularly.

A working smoke alarm can buy you and your family the valuable time you need to get out, stay out and call 999. You’re four times more likely to survive a fire if you have a working smoke alarm.

As part of the Fire Kills campaign, Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service is determined to prevent as many deaths as possible and make sure people test their alarms when the clocks change on 30 March.

Tick, Tock, Test is easy to remember and intrinsically links clock change weekend to testing your smoke alarm.

Everyone soon notices when a clock stops ticking, but it’s not so easy to be sure that your smoke alarm is still in working order. Whether the battery is flat, has been used for a kid’s toy or the connection is loose, everyone should take the time to test. And, as over half the people who died in home fires last year were 65 years old or above, this is also a perfect opportunity to test alarms for older relatives who might find it hard to reach their alarms but are at greater risk.

By pushing the ‘test’ button on every smoke alarm, you could save the lives of your nearest and dearest – children, parents and friends alike.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Could you represent Natland? It's now or never (for another 4 years)!

The parish councillors are looking for new volunteers to stand for the Parish Council in the election coming up on Thursday 22 May. Being a parish councillor is a great way to help out and get to know Natland better – whether you’ve lived here for many years or only recently moved in. There’s no particular experience or expertise required – just an ability to attend and contribute to our monthly meetings – and lots of free training if you want to take it up.

If you love living in Natland and want to help it to thrive please think about throwing your hat into the ring and standing for the Council.

The deadline for nominations is Friday 25 April and there are seven seats to fill on the council. We already know that 2 of the 7 existing councillors will not be standing again and so there are definitely opportunities for new people, probably without a need for an election to be held.

There is more information about what it means to be a parish councillor on the Cumbria Association of Local Councillors’ website, and the Parish Council section of this website has more information and reports about our activities. Contact details are also there if you would like to talk to any of us about what the job involves.

Thank you for thinking about it.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Did you volunteer to look after Natland?

Parish councillors have been getting in touch over the past few weeks – by email or by phone – with all the people who put their names down to volunteer during the Parish Plan consultation process, or at the launch. Thank you, again, to everybody who did.

If you haven’t heard from us yet, but think that you did put your name down on a list or wish that you had, it may be that we have your number or email address written down wrong. Please do get in touch with us by emailing Lois so that we can make sure that we include you when we start setting up the working groups (on traffic, broadband, community energy and so on) and a system for coordinating parish maintenance work that is done by volunteers.

We hope to start doing this after the council elections on 22 May. At the moment we are putting the final touches to the new Parish Directory which will be delivered to every household at the end of April.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Women's Institute March Meeting Report

The March meeting of Natland and Oxenholme W.I. was opened by Marion Thornton who invited members to comment on various events attended.  Marley Hunter gave a comprehensive report on behalf of several members who had taken part in the hands-on relay of the W.I. Centenary Baton from Kendal Castle to the Parish Church on its journey through Cumbria. Joan Airey reported an excellent day out at the bi-annual Northern show in Appleby.

Kirsten Cannon introduced the speaker, Steve Beatie, a tour guide, actor and director at the Lancaster Grand Theatre who told of the theatre's lively history and development from the 18th century when it was built through many changes and set backs, including a fire, to emerge into the 21st century as a very fortunate surviving theatre.

Vote of thanks was given by Joyce Ormrod.

The competition for a theatre programme was won by Jean Dobson.

Next meeting will be held in the village hall Natland at 7.30pm. on 16th April. 'Jennie Quilts' is the subject of guest speaker Jennie Fowler.

Visitors welcome to join us.                                                       Margaret Lancaster.

Pro Nobis Singers - Six Centuries of Choral Music

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Beware Doorstep Traders

Police have been alerted to unscrupulous doorstep traders that have recently conducted work for an elderly Gentleman in the Kendal area, charged him an excessive amount and have taken to revisit the gent asking for more work, please use caution with doorstep traders, far better to use known/recommended traders, please also be aware for elderly/ vulnerable residents in your area.

Any doubts or suspicions about doorstep traders call 101 or contact trading standards noting registrations of any vehicles being used.

Martin Boak (Police, PCSO, Kendal (S))

Lynden meets her American

Learn more in the story of how Lynden Carter, our Village Hall Treasurer, started her new life by clicking on Lynden meets the Axe Murderer.  

Parish Council Agenda for the meeting on the 31st March

Find out what is on the Agenda for the next Natland Parish Council meeting by clicking on THIS LINK. 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Parking Fines Scam

Cumbria Trading Standards would like to warn consumers of a recent parking fine scam whereby residents in the Kendal area have been sent an email telling them that they have been issued with a parking fine and must pay £70 within 28 days.  The email says that there is photographic evidence to support the claim.

The message purports to have been sent by Justice.Gov.UK but they do not issue parking fines.

The advice from Trading Standards is to delete the email and not respond.

For general advice please contact Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or visit

Monday Club Meets

On Monday 17 March, between 14:00 and 16:00 the Monday Club will meet in the Village Hall.

The speaker will be Jean Scott-Smith, and her subject: Over Shap - by track, road and rail.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Pre-School Jumble Sale

Jumble Sale - Saturday 29th March, 2pm

Natland and Oxenholme Preschool are holding a jumble sale on Saturday 29th March at the Village Hall, Natland. 

£1 admission to include a hot drink and a biscuit. Children free. 

If you have any jumble to donate, please bring it to the Village Hall on Saturday 29th in the morning between 9.00am and 12.00pm. 

Please do come along and support us!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The American Connection

Members of the Village Hall Committee have witnessed our treasurer make a new life for herself over the last few years. Concerned as we may have been at first, it has been good to see her spread her wings. Well done, Lynden! Sorry you're leaving us as treasurer though.  Click on this link to find out more details from the book that Bob (Edward Fahey) has written.
Lynden and Bob in Times Square
Bob's place in the Carolina woods
Nearby Dry Falls

Sunday, 9 March 2014

200 Club result

The winners, drawn at the Village Hall Committee meeting last Monday, are:
1st           127         W Wellwood
2nd          84           K Oliver
3rd           87           A Tilney

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Natland Art Exhibition 2014 WEBVOTE RESULTS


26. Rosebay willowherb on Black Horse Hill near Sedbergh - MARY TAYLOR - £290
25. Ben More across Loch Scridain, Mull - MARY TAYLOR -£180

10. Cockpit Sunset - Keith Hodsoll - £90

The Annual Exhibition of
work by our talented, local artists
Natland Village Hall
SATURDAY 8th March 10am - 5pm
SUNDAY 9th March 11.30am - 4.30pm

Parish Council Minutes

Please follow the link for minutes of the meeting of Natland Parish Council held on 24th February 2014.

Protect Yourself, Your Friends & Relatives Against Scams

At the Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network office we often get phone calls or emails asking for advice about scams.

We always advise anyone who suspects a scam, or who has been the victim of a scam, to report it to the police on or 0300 123 2040.  However, it is always better to take preventative action where possible and it is good to know what to look for to avoid being taken in, as well as to advise friends and family members when necessary.

The charity Think Jessica ( provides a lot of useful advice about scams.  Their 12-page booklet, 'Scam mail is blackmail', is particularly useful and covers: lottery and prize draw scams, clairvoyant scams, catalogue scams, courier scams, bank / building society scams and more.  You can order a free hard copy of this booklet by writing to:
Think Jessica
PO Box 4442
Chesterfield S44 9AS
(Please enclose a 2nd class stamp)
Or by emailing

They also provide information packs, including a DVD, which cost £7 per pack, and free downloadable posters which you can access at

For a cost they will supply bulk orders to a group or organisation, which can be personalised with your logo and local contact details if you wish - contact Think Jessica at the address above or on to discuss your requirements.

Best wishes,

Catherine Dunn
Campaigns, Events & Database Manager (NHWN)

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Art Exhibition 2014

Don't forget this weekend's BIG EVENT!
The Annual Exhibition of work by our talented, local artists
SATURDAY 10am - 5pm,    SUNDAY 11.30am - 4.30pm

As  usual, Village Hall Committee members have been working hard behind the scenes to put on this popular community event. Our gang of stalwarts will be working hard to prepare the hall, help artists hang their exhibits, provide raffle prizes and bake delicious cakes.  But we could do with a few more willing bodies!

We need the following HELP: 
  • Taking admission money at the door, Saturday, 10am - 11am,   11 - am - 12noon
  • Selling raffle tickets at the door, Saturday, 2pm - 3pm,   3pm- 4pm
  • Helping with parking, Saturday & Sunday, 2pm - 4pm (We have permission from St Mark's School to use their parking area).

Do come along and see the exhibits, have a cup of tea and some home-made cake!
If you can help please call Rhian, (Secretary VHMC), 015395 60671.
We would be most grateful!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Church Magazine for March

Click on this link to find out what is happening in the parish during Lent, to read about Clive Walkley's award for his music, and to see about how you can help make Stations of the Cross for Easter or contribute to a First World War Exhibition.

Natland Art Exhibition 2014

The 2014 Natland Art Exhibition will take place at Natland Village Hall on Saturday March 8th and Sunday March 9th 2014. This highly regarded exhibition shows the work of LOCAL ARTISTS and at the same time raises funds for the Village Hall Funds.  


21. Forest in the Mist - Colin Margison - £300

22. Rapeseed Field - Colin Marginson - £300

23. Poppies - Colin Marginson - £120

24. Meadow Flowers - Colin Marginson - £120

25. Ben More across Loch Scridain, Mull - MARY TAYLOR -£180

26. Rosebay willowherb on Black Horse Hill near Sedbergh - MARY TAYLOR - £290

27. Shifting Sands, Morecambe Bay - MARY TAYLOR - £180

28. White Cottage, Ardalanish beach Mull - MARY TAYLOR - £180

29. Bluebell Wood - Eileen Kettle - £70

30. Sunflowers - Eileen Kettle - £65

31. Jenny Brown's Point - Eileen Kettle - £80

32. The Hare - Brenda Hunter - £160

33. Watching - Brenda Hunter - £175

34. Keeping Lookout - Brenda Hunter - £160

35. The Kingfisher - Brenda Hunter - £175

36. Lifeline - Jonathan Marchant - £60

37. The Herald of Summer - Jonathan Marchant - £60

38. Transience 1 Water - Jonathan Marchant - £60

39. Transience 2 Tarn Grass - Jonathan Marchant - £60

To see all entries follow link to 

Saturday, 1 March 2014

House Insurance - Chimney Fires

We recently sent a message out giving safety warnings relating to chimney fires.  It has been brought to our attention that a number of insurance companies will not pay out if chimneys have not been swept within the previous two years.

Certainly worth reading the small print and also making sure you keep your chimney swept.

Valerie Ayre - Cumbria Fire & Rescue, Administrator, Cumbria

Weather statistics for February in Natland.





Temperature at 8 am



Minimum Temperature (Average)



Maximum Temperature (Average)












A very wet month with rain recorded on every day except the 17th. It
was, however, mild with only one day getting below zero. The strong winds
made it feel cooler with severe gales in the middle of the month.
John Dobson