Wednesday 29 February 2012

Broadband Problems

I would like to make up a petition from Natland complaining about the poor broadband from Sedgwick exchange which in on old cabling namely aluminium which should upgraded to copper as the rest of the world is, BT will not upgrade here until we make a big enough noise about it, please tell me what your view are on this.

Editors Notes - Fred has a point, downloading pictures for the Art Exhibition has become a nightmare, it's so bad an old dial-up connection would have been faster.  Just imagine if you are trying to run a business around here!  Kendal will upgrade to Superfast Broadband in late May, but there are no plans for Sedgwick.  David Peters (Chair of NPC) has asked for someone to come forward to be our Broadband Champion, so far there are no takers! Please give if it some consideration and contact him.