Friday 24 February 2012

Road Closure: Oxenholme Lane: 27th February .

The work on Oxenholme Lane to build a drain for flood water into the main sewer  has been postponed to next week.
Joanna Parker, Senior Technician, Cumbria Highways, writes:
The road closure will commence on Monday 27 February and will be in force for 5 days.  However we are hopeful that the works should be completed within 2 working days and the lane re-opened.
Due to the nature of the works and the depth of the excavation it will not be possible to temporarily re-open the lane at the end of the day to permit safe passage of vehicles.
Should you have any queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Joanne Parker
Senior Technician | Cumbria Highways
Environment | Cumbria County Council
County Offices | Kendal | Cumbria | LA9 4RQ
t: 01539 713009